Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Clarke Class - Miss M Graham
Richards Class - Miss K Pilling
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Pedley, Miss Godber, Mrs Mountain, Mrs Patrick, Miss Farr and Miss Smith
Autumn Term 2024
This term we will be learning about the Ruthless Romans! We will learn all about Ancient Rome and the impact of the Roman Empire. Why were the Romans ruthless? Who could join the Roman Army? How many times did the Romans try to invade Britain? We will answer all of these questions this term!
We have lots to look forward to in History this term!
This term, we will be building on our Place Value and addition and subtraction knowledge from Year 3. We will be using number lines, our number bonds and beginning to explore more of our times tables.
We will be practising our times tables regularly! We have a times table check test in the Summer term to work towards. At home, please practice your 3, 4 and 8 times tables ready to learn the rest in our Maths lessons.
PE/Swimming/Forest Schools
This term Richards class will be swimming first, beginning on
Wednesday 18th September.
Every Wednesday, each class will need:
Richards Class | Swimming kit |
Clarke Class | Forest School kit |
Kit lists for swimming, forest school and PE are on the website and a letter will be sent just before swimming begins.
Every Tuesday, both Year 4 classes will be doing PE. Please come to school on a Tuesday in your PE kit, be mindful of the weather as you will be in your kit all day!
Home Learning
Please continue the home learning to support your learning in Year 4:
- TT Rockstars
- Spelling Frame (we will start this in the classroom)
- CGP Homework Books (to follow shortly)
Links are on the Home Learning tab of the website.
Things to look forward to this year:
Electricity and Sound Unit of Learning
Rivers Unit of Learning
Making a podcast
Swimming/Forest School
Proudly being part of our school teams with our lanyards!