School Opening Times:
Years 4 and 5
School Starts 8:40am / Home time 3:20pm
Years 3 and 6
School Starts 8:50am / Home time 3:30pm
Our school week is 33 hours 20 minutes for pupils
Going to school regularly is vitally important for your child’s future. Good attendance shows that as parents we recognise the value of their education. Children who miss school frequently fall behind with their work and make less progress reducing their chances of a successful future.
Research shows that children who attend school regularly are at less risk of getting involved in anti-social behaviour or crime even at primary age. It is in the primary years that good habits and attitudes to learning are ingrained - children who have poor attendance at this point tend to continue to follow the same patterns in later years.
Our school attendance target for every child is
at least 97%.
What you can do to help?
- Making sure your child understands the importance of good attendance and punctuality.
- Continuing to take an active interest in your child’s education - ask about school work and encourage them to get involved in school activities.
- Discuss any problems they feel they may have at school - inform their class teacher about anything serious.
- Please do not let pester power win and allow your child take time off school for minor ailments such as a cold or tummy ache - a good rule of thumb is whether it would stop you from going to work.
- Please arrange appointments after school hours, at weekends or in school holidays. This will help to prevent disruption to your child’s education and to the school.
- If you would like to apply for a leave of absence for your child you can download a copy of the form below. We have also attached a guidance below for parents on leave of absence requests for exceptional circumstances.
Our School Attendance Policy can be found here