Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
Oakes - Miss Beresford
Barber Class - Miss Bailey
Shrewsbury Class - Miss Jarrett
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Bradley, Mrs Henstock, Mrs Skelding, Miss Farr, Miss James,
Additional Teaching Staff
Mr Whiteman, Miss Smith, Mrs Fox - Forest School/Wider Curriculum/Wellbeing Mentor/PE
Autumn Term 2024
Welcome to Riddings Junior School – we hope you had a fantastic Summer break. We have lots of exciting learning coming up this term and we can’t wait to get settled in and get started. Some key things to look forward to are: Forest School, drumming, a lower school Christmas Performance and so much more!
The Stone, Bronze and Iron Age
This term, we will be travelling back in time to ancient history. We will work our way through the Stone, Bronze and Iron Age, learning how civilisations developed and the impact that it has had on us today. As part of this topic, we will be engaging in a fully immersive curriculum. More exciting details to follow…
Place Value
Our first topic in Maths this year will be Place Value. The children will be moving from 2 digit numbers, onto 3 digit numbers. We will explore the value of each digit and focus on representing numbers in a variety of ways. With this knowledge, the children will be able to order and sequence numbers.
Addition and Subtraction
As the children progress, we will begin to explore addition and subtraction. The children will become confident mathematicians and will be able to add and subtract 3 digit numbers, using the formal written method.
At Riddings Junior School, to become good readers, we use 8 Inferential Reading Strategies (IRS) to explore new texts. Please see below or school’s strategies and feel free to use them when listening to your child read at home. We will also be continuing phonics learning. Please support your child by practising reading and sounds at home.
Wider Curriculum
You will do either Forest School or PE on a Wednesday. This will run on a half termly cycle and your child will be told which they will do. All children will do PE on a Friday so please come to school in your kit. You do not need to bring a change of clothes for PE lessons
For Forest School days, please come to school in your school uniform. We will get changed into Forest School kit in the afternoon.
Home Learning
In Year 3, we have already started to develop our core maths skills by using Numbots and TT Rock Stars. Please access these apps daily for short bursts of learning, as these skills are fundamental.
Your child should be reading at least three times a week to support their fluency and comprehension.